What is the treatment for early stage cervical cancer? - cervical cancer treatment
I had an abnormal Pap test and my doctor has a waiting period of six months for another fact. If the following positive, can the early stages of cervical cancer. What are the treatment options carried out in the early stages?
They are what is called cryosurgery - (first time for an acid such as vinegar) on the cervix of abnormal cells, then remove the cells by freezing them off. Also culposcopy called.
I am surprised that your doctor) at least one biopsy (vinegar, to detect abnormal cells () called cervical dysplasia.
A positive smear does not necessarily mean that you have cancer. This means that abnormal cells were detected. Cervical dysplasia is the earliest precursors of cervical cancer but not cancer. Be detected and treated, if it takes no progress to cancer.
I had cervical dysplasia grade 1 in the 1980s and had cryosurgery. I had negative Pap smear, had there.
Wait. Every woman has at least one abnormal Pap smear in their lives. If they thought it was cancer of the cervix, which have been tested and found. It is clear that there is no suspicion that either was not there. If you are not satisfied, then find another doctor and get retested. You can always get a second opinion.
the complete elimination of cancer, the easy and safe
Years ago I had the cauterization of the cervix for abnormal cells.
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